Tuesday, October 11, 2016

The List, by Siobhan Vivian

October is National Bullying Prevention Month  and there are many, many books that deal with bullying and its repercussions in high school. At its heart, bullying is about an imbalance of power, and the results of that imbalance is creatively explored in The List, by Siobhan Vivian. Every year at Mount Washington High School, an anonymous list is posted listing the prettiest and the ugliest girl in each class. No one knows who is responsible or exactly how the choice is made, but once the list is public, everyone views the girls selected through a new lens of admiration or disgust.
The List alternates focus between each of the eight girls on this year's list and how they react. Not all the "ugly" girls are loveless outcasts or even ugly, and some of the "pretty" girls find their inclusion to be a curse. As the year progresses, the school (students, teachers and especially those directly impacted by the List) begins to examine whether the List is a damaging tradition that must be abolished or whether the girls chosen have somehow brought it on themselves. An element of mystery, interesting character perspectives and a briskly entertaining writing style make this a quick and engaging read that leaves a lot to think about afterwards.

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