Friday, September 1, 2017

The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue, by Mackenzi Lee

An ultimate story finding oneself, love, and adventure, set in 18th century Europe, Mackenzie Lee spins a hilarious tale in The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue. Henry (Monty) Montague is your stereotypical sarcastic and privileged frat-boy with daddy issues who is also inexplicably in love with his childhood best friend. Not deterred by the racist and homophobic nature of society at the time, Monty suffers the effects of unrequited love, whilst dealing with his expulsion from Eton, a prestigious academy, and the arrival of his infant brother, “the Goblin.” His partying antics are suddenly halted as his inheritance, which he has to this point taken for granted, is in jeopardy. Embarking on his “last hurrah,” Monty goes to tour Europe and is determined to make it spectacular. It was unputdownable (ask Larissa--I accidently crushed her banana) and I abso-bloody-lutely recommend it.

~Posted by Michelle H., Homestead senior

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